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Uri Extensions


Checks whether this Uri has a query parameter with the specified name and value.

// returns true
Uri.of("/test?q=kotlin").hasQueryValue("q", "kotlin")

// returns false
Uri.of("/test?size=large").hasQueryValue("size", "small")


Returns a new Uri without the specified name parameter, if the parameter's value matches the specified value. All other query params are left unchanged.

// Returns "/test"
Uri.of("/test?q=John").removeQueryValue("q", "John")

// Returns "/test?q=kotlin"
Uri.of("/test?q=kotlin&q=java").removeQueryValue("q", "java")


Returns a new Uri and:

  • Adds a query parameter with the specified name and value when one isn't already present
  • Removes the query parameter with the specified name and value when present

All other query params are left unchanged.

// Returns "/test?q=John"
Uri.of("/test").toggleQueryValue("q", "John")

// Returns "/test"
Uri.of("/test?q=John").toggleQueryValue("q", "John")


Removes all query parameters with the specified names (immaterial of their values). All other query params are left unchanged.

// Returns "/test"
Uri.of("/test?q=john&filter=name").removeQueries(listOf("q", "filter"))


Replaces the specified query parameters with the given values and returns a new Uri. All other query params are left unchanged.

// Returns "/test?q=John&size=10"
Uri.of("/test?q=nothing&size=5").replaceQuery("q" to "John", "size" to "10")


Returns a new Uri with the page parameters (&from=x&size=y) replaced with new values matching the specified

// Returns "/test?from=10&size=5"
Uri.of("/test?from=0&size=10").replacePage(Page(10, 5))


Returns a new Uri with the sort query param (&sort=name:asc) replaced with a new value matching the specified sort argument. The function resets pagination by removing the from and size query parameters. This can be disabled by passing false for the resetPagination argument.

// Returns "/test?sort=createdAt:desc"