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As most applications require a single sort criteria to be applied at a time, we've kept this really simple, and we leave it to the application to compound sort logic should it require to. Although, unless you're designing a data analytics platform, it's likely you won't have to.

data class Sort(
val field: String,
val order: SortOrder

enum class SortOrder {

Sort in query parameters

Invirt provides a set of utilities for reading and manipulating sort criteria passed as query parameters. These are all based on a sort query parameter which is hardwired in all these utilities and is not configurable (at this stage).

Reading sort

"/list-orders" GET { request ->
// Create a Sort object from a query parameter sort=name:asc
val sort = request.sort() ?: Sort.desc(
<!-- Displays in the template the field we're currently sorting by, based on the sort query param -->
{{ request.sort.field }}

<!-- Returns true if the current sort query parameter is sort=name:asc -->
{{ request.sortIs('name', 'asc') }}

Manipulating sort

Returns a Uri with the sort field replaced to sort=name:asc and resets
pagination (last argument, called resetPagination is set to true)

For example
<a href="{{ request.replaceSort('name', 'asc', true) }}">
Sort by name ascending

Returns a Uri with the sort field replaced to createdAt:desc IF a
sort for another field is present. If the current sort is for the
createdAt field, then it simply reverts its order.

/test?sort=createdAt:desc → /test?sort=createdAt:asc
/test?sort=name:asc → /test?sort=createdAt:desc
<a href="{{ request.revertOrSetSort('createdAt', 'desc', true) }}">
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