Static Assets
Http4k provides out of the box a set of components for serving static assets and Invirt only adds a few utilities to make caching and versioning easier.
val staticAssetsVersion = gitCommitId()!!
val devMode = Environment.ENV.developmentMode
val config = InvirtConfig(
developmentMode = devMode,
pebble = InvirtPebbleConfig(
globalVariables = mapOf("staticAssetsVersion" to staticAssetsVersion)
val appHandler = Invirt(config).then(
"/" GET { renderTemplate("index") },
"/static/${staticAssetsVersion}" bind cacheDays(365).then(staticAssets(devMode))
Assets version
The first key element here is staticAssetsVersion
which is passed as a global variable in the InvirtPebbleConfig
As a Pebble variable, this value can then be used directly in a Pebble template to include assets dynamically, as per example below.
<script src="/static/{{ staticAssetsVersion }}/app.js"></script>
In the above example we use the Git commit id to version static assets, which is achieved by a call to
Invirt's gitCommitId()
. This function is discussed in detail here.
The function cacheDays(days)
is a simple wrapper over http4k's built-in caching filter and only exists
as a convenience over the construct below.
Hot reload vs classpath loading
All the function staticAssets()
does is to wrap http4k's static assets wiring, and allows easily switching between
hot reload and caching classpath loading of these assets, similarly to how
views are loaded.
fun staticAssets(
developmentMode: Boolean,
classpathLocation: String = "webapp/static",
directory: String = "src/main/resources/webapp/static"
): RoutingHttpHandler = if (developmentMode) {
} else {