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Core concepts


Invirt's definition of Principal is similar to the one in other MVC and server frameworks, in the sense that it refers to the currently authenticated entity or user operating the application.

An essential difference, however, is that Invirt doesn't have a native concept of "anonymous" Principal (i.e. not authenticated user) as we felt this would add a layer of complexity that doesn't benefit the framework's objectives. That being said, it shouldn't be hard for an application to handle this should it require to.

In Invirt, the Principal object is defined as a marker interface with no properties or functions, and only a companion object with some utilities for exposing the entity to the rest of the application.

interface Principal {

companion object {
* Returns the [Principal] on the current thread if present, `null` otherwise
val currentSafe: Principal? get() = principalThreadLocal.get()

* Returns the [Principal] on the current thread if present, fails otherwise
val current: Principal get() = currentSafe ?: throw IllegalStateException("No Principal found on current thread")

* Checks if a [Principal] is present on the current thread.
val isPresent: Boolean get() = principalThreadLocal.get() != null

An Invirt application will implement this interface in a "user" class to define its properties and behaviour and allow it to interact with the rest of the Invirt Security mini-framework. Again, we didn't want to prescribe the attributes and features of a Principal, and we leave it to the application to do so.


This component defines the logic to authenticate an HTTP request and is an interface with a single method that the application must implement.

interface Authenticator {
fun authenticate(request: Request): AuthenticationResponse

This interface is typically wired in the AuthenticationFilter discussed below, and its authenticate() function must respond with an AuthenticationResponse indicating whether a Principal could be authenticated from the Request's properties (typically cookies).

sealed class AuthenticationResponse {

data object Unauthenticated : AuthenticationResponse()

data class Authenticated<P : Principal>(
val principal: P,
val newCookies: List<Cookie> = emptyList()
) : AuthenticationResponse()


AuthenticationFilter is the Invirt component responsible for calling Authenticator above and storing the principal (if authentication is successful) on the current Request (context), and on a ThreadLocal.

When AuthenticationResponse.Authenticated contains a non-empty newCookies, AuthenticationFilter will set these on the response, once the request completes. This is useful for login scenarios, when we need to set the initial cookies, but also for refreshing authentication credentials stored in cookies (like JWT tokens).

It's important to note that AuthenticationFilter doesn't act as a gateway to prevent requests from proceeding when a principal isn't present, or when the Principal doesn't match the criteria to access the resource. It's within the remit of the application to handle that, as it fall within the remit of authorisation, not authentication.

The filter's responsibility is simply to extract a Principal object from the request, via the Authenticator component, set it on the current thread and request context, and clear these after the request completes.